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Girl Love Happens: G&T Lesbian Romance Season One Episodes 1 & 2 Page 3
Girl Love Happens: G&T Lesbian Romance Season One Episodes 1 & 2 Read online
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“I can’t believe I’m lying naked with you and playing with your pubic hair.”
“I wish this night would last forever,” she said with a dreamy expression.
“Night? I wish this moment would.” I kissed her chest.
“So, no regrets?” she asked with a concerned smile.
“Only that we didn’t do this sooner. If I had to do it all over, I would have said this on the first day, ‘Hi, my name is Tegan. Nice to meet you, Gemma. Take off all your clothes.’”
“You make it sound like a bank robbery.”
“I feel like I’ve been robbed. Think of how many orgasms we could have had.”
“Think of all the nights I could have fallen asleep in your arms.”
I snuggled into her embrace. Gemma’s “Everything I need to know I learned from my dog” poster hung on the wall at our feet. I’d never seen it from this vantage point before. My bed faced the opposite wall where I had plastered movie posters I scored from my part-time job at the theater across the street, including Reservoir Dogs, Basic Instinct, Dracula, The Bodyguard, Scent of a Woman, A Few Good Men, and my absolute favorite: A River Runs Through It. A few of the posters curled up at one corner since some of the tape wouldn’t stick on the cold bricks.
“What are you thinking?” Gemma asked.
“I was looking at your poster. I’ve never seen it from this angle. You?”
“How happy I am.”
I popped my head up. “Yeah? How happy?”
“The happiest.”
I teased her nipple with my finger. “What about now?”
“Even happier.” Gemma closed her eyes.
My finger trekked down. She was still wet, and when I pressed her clit gently, Gemma groaned. When I quickly inserted my finger inside her, Gemma’s eyes exploded.
“We have so much lost time to make up for.” Without another word, I went down on her. Once again, she smothered her face with a pillow.
Afterward, I removed the pillow. “I never would have thought that my sweet, quiet roommate from Nebraska would be a screamer in bed.”
“Do you think anyone can hear us?” she asked, half-pleased and half-concerned.
I laughed. “I’m sure we’re not the first on this floor to fuck. Jenny and April have been making eyes at each other for weeks now in the cafe.”
Gemma’s eyes clouded over when I said the word fuck.
“Do you think they love each other?” she asked.
I shrugged. “Jenny for sure. But I have a feeling April’s taking advantage of all the perks of college living, ya know? She’s not the type to fall for someone and to start calling them poopsie.”
“Oh.” The word spoke volumes. Gemma wasn’t the type to casually sleep with someone, and I suspected my comment about April taking advantage of having a female roommate probably planted an unpleasant thought in her heart. Did it remind her of Kate?
There was a pregnant pause. I lifted her chin with my finger to meet her eyes. “That’s not what tonight was, okay? Remember, I promised promised.”
Gemma’s lips curled up. “That’s right. You did.”
“Listen to me. I am not April. I’m not Kate. I, Tegan Raye Ferber, like you, Gemma Mahoney. A lot.” I kissed her forehead. “However, I wouldn’t mind experimenting more with you and only you.” I waggled my eyebrows.
“I think that can be accommodated.” She pounced on me, letting me know she wanted to take charge of my body. It was fucking hot to see how much she wanted me and how comfortable she was around me and only me. I wanted to surrender to her, over and over.
“I love feeling your skin against mine.”
She let out a little growl.
It was still a shock to watch her go down on me. Her red hair tickled my thighs. Her tongue went inside, and she opened her eyes, staring at me. The smoldering look in those emerald eyes told me everything I needed to know. She’d been in love with me this entire time. I smiled at her. I was falling for Gemma. I was falling for a woman.
I screamed as I came.
“What time are we meeting your parents?”
Gemma pulled her comforter almost completely over our heads. The bed was narrow and I was practically on top of her, yet a frigid draft from the window blasted through and made me shiver. The howl of the wind announced the storm wasn’t over by a long shot.
“You don’t have to come.”
“Do you not want me to?”
“It’s not that. I don’t want to put you in the middle.”
I tapped my fingers on her chest. “Hey, I don’t know where you were this evening, but we’re in this together.”
“Thanks.” She nestled into my arms.
Whooping came from the hallway. “Woo-hoo! Classes are cancelled tomorrow!”
“I guess you won’t be taking that test tomorrow after all.” Gemma giggled.
The real test would be with her parents on Saturday.
“Now I have the whole weekend to cram.”
“And we have the whole night to fu—make love.” I nuzzled my face against her neck.
“You can say it.”
“Yes. I know how much you love the word.” She caressed my breast.
I squirmed. “Shit, I didn’t know how much until tonight. Fuck, Gemma, I love fucking you.”
Gemma stopped tickling me.
“I love it, too.”
Saturday morning arrived, and Gemma and I left our room for the cafeteria on the main floor. Per usual, we walked down the five flights of stairs. The two elevators took forever and also creaked and squawked, which gave the impression that at any second they would hurtle to the ground, not stopping until reaching China.
We made a beeline for the cereal dispensers and then filled several small glasses with orange juice and water.
“G&T!” April waved us over. Her smile was as fake as her bleach-blonde hair and tan.
We carried our trays and sat opposite our floormates. The place was nearly abandoned. Most didn’t get out of bed for breakfast on Saturdays.
Jenny grinned foolishly. “We haven’t seen you two in days. What’s up?”
Gemma’s eyes boggled and her cheeks burned. Our newfound sexual confidence didn’t extend beyond our room.
“Oh, I’m slammed with midterms and papers. Poor Gemma has been helping me study.” I momentarily placed a hand on Gemma’s thigh.
“That blows,” Jenny said.
“Totally ruins the image I had of you, Tiny T. I’d thought for sure you’d be holed up for more entertaining reasons.” April’s suggestive wink and sneer were so crystal clear that people sitting five tables away would know their meaning. Once last semester, Gemma had to crash in April and Jenny’s room when Josh visited. Ever since then, April had this image of me being a total slut. She turned to Gemma. “It totally fits you, though. You’re always such a good helper bee.” April licked the yogurt off her spoon.
Jenny jabbed an elbow in April’s side. “What do you guys have planned this weekend?”
“Gemma’s parents are coming tonight for dinner,” I said.
“Again? Weren’t they just here?” April directed the question to Gemma.
“Nah. It was my parents who visited,” I lied. Jenny smiled knowingly. For some reason, April hated Gemma. Actually, she hated most people, but she was civil to me. I put up with her attitude, knowing that if I turned on her, she’d make our lives a living hell, especially Gemma’s. I also put up with her since she was Jenny’s roommate and I adored Jenny.
April narrowed her eyes. “Oh, that’s right. Your mom’s awesome.” Her smile made me uncomfortable, and Gemma shifted in her seat as if she was defending her territory.
My mother, who in my opinion was not awesome, was an aerobics instructor and had shown up one weekend to lead a private class for me and my friends. Her motto was to s
weat off the freshman fifteen, and when I’d gone home for Thanksgiving my mother exclaimed, “Aren’t you exercising at all?” I wondered what dear old Mom would think of my new exercise regimen.
“Gemma, are you going to the game tomorrow?” Jenny asked in an obvious attempt to change the subject.
“You bet.”
Gemma and Jenny played on a coed intramural inner tube water polo team. Most of the games turned into a splash-fest.
“And will our best cheerleader be there?” Jenny said and then sipped her water.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I said.
April huffed and stood up abruptly. “Gotta run.” When she walked by, she messed with my hair more flirtatiously than normal, making both Gemma and Jenny fidget. Did she suspect the real reason Gemma and I’d been holed up in our room? Were we emitting some sort of sapphic vibes? She would be the last person in the world I’d ever confide in.
As soon as she was out of sight I turned to Jenny. “What died and crawled up her ass?”
Jenny sighed. “She failed an astronomy test earlier this week and has been a total bitch since. Her mom won’t keep paying for school if she brings home another F.” Jenny shook her head like a weary boxer after ten rounds.
“If you need a break, you can come to dinner with us,” I said. It wasn’t until Gemma dropped her fork that I realized my mistake.
“Thanks.” She stuck her chin out at Gemma. “I love your folks, but I have plans to see a movie. Next time, though. I promise.”
If there is a next time after Gemma’s bombshell.
“What movie?” I swallowed water in an attempt to still the thrumming in my throat.
“Alive.” Jenny scooped in a mouthful of Cheerios. There was nothing spectacular about her. As my mom would say, “She had a great face for radio.”
“Good choice! Dress warm. When Gem and I saw it, I was shivering. Can you imagine your plane crashing in the Andes?”
Gemma wrapped a leg around mine. I peeked at her and saw her “don’t worry, no one can see” look.
“And eating your teammates?” Gemma’s mischievous smile didn’t fit the conversation.
Jenny guzzled the remaining milk in her cereal bowl and stood to take her leave. “Later.”
We both nodded.
When the coast was clear I said, “I’m so sorry. I almost completely blew it.”
Gemma laughed. “It would have made tonight even more awkward. Not sure I want to say I’m a lesbian and also have my parents infer I’m in a ménage à trois.”
That made me giggle. I had no idea anyone from Gemma’s town even knew the term.
Jenny wasn’t shy about being a dyke and most suspected when meeting her. Even Gemma’s hick parents knew with one glance that she was different from most other girls.
Gemma hadn’t told any of our friends that she was gay. And of course I hadn’t spilled the beans about my recent revelation. Not yet at least. I was famous for putting my foot in my mouth, so it was probably best to keep it under wraps for now.
“Come on. Let’s get some studying done before tonight.” Gemma stood.
“Is that what you call it?” I flashed a seductive smile.
She shook her head playfully and motioned for me to walk ahead of her in the hallway.
“Who would have thought studying would be so invigorating?”
Gemma drew in a deep breath. “Remember, you actually have an exam on Monday.” She opened the door to the stairwell.
“Yes, Mom. But all work and no play, makes Jill—”
In the deserted staircase, Gemma pushed me against the wall and kissed me hard.
“Thank God I got you as a roommate and not a bitch like April.”
“Would you be kissing her instead?” She ran a finger down my shirt.
“No! Never.” I pinched her ass for good measure.
“What do you think the hair thing meant?” She checked out our feet.
Gemma’s jealousy struck me as cute. “Oh, probably trying to get to Jenny. You know April. Besides, I think she’s overly sexual with most people so they’ll notice her. Now we’d best get upstairs and get our learn on.” I patted her butt. “Scoot. Your parents will be here before we know it.”
Gemma chewed her lower lip.
I tugged her arm, forcing her to face me. “Don’t worry. I’ll be right by your side. Everything will work out.”
I hoped my face didn’t show my true feelings. I was terrified. Scared out of my mind for Gemma. And for me.
“Come along, poopsie,” I said.
Gemma’s Lesbian Proclamation
The hostess led the way through a horde of sorority girls, most of whom looked like Shannen Doherty, Jennie Garth, or Tori Spelling of Beverly Hills, 90210. Thankfully, they were leaving Applebee’s as we ventured farther and farther until the girl plastered a smile on her face and dramatically waved to the last booth near the bar, saying, “Here ya go, folks.”
I scooted over and Gemma squeezed in next to me. Ava, Gemma’s mom, sat opposite me, and her husband, Cormac, took up the remaining two-thirds of the bench.
Before the hostess had time to scram, a waiter appeared and set down four waters. Talk about efficiency. “Would any of you like something to drink besides water?” he asked.
Gem and I chirped simultaneously, “Chocolate shake, please.”
“Coffee, please,” Ava said with a motherly smile.
“Diet Coke.” Cormac glommed onto the menu with meaty fingers.
“How are classes?” Ava straightened her back and propped her elbows on the table.
“Fine,” we both chorused. My voice was more enthusiastic than Gemma’s.
“Gemma, are you feeling well? You’re deathly white. Did you not sleep last night? You always look pale when you stay up late.” Ava leaned over the table to feel her daughter’s forehead with the back of her hand.
Neither of us got much sleep the previous night and it wasn’t because we were studying, unless you plunked our activities into the sexual education category.
“Pulling a lot of all-nighters?” Cormac asked.
I choked on my water, drawing their attention to me. Gemma bumped my leg under the table, and the amusement that danced in her eyes made me choke more.
“Put your arms up.” Cormac demonstrated by reaching for the sky.
Gemma rolled her eyes. “Dad, she’s choking. Not deaf.”
“J-just s-swallowed wrong.” I cleared my throat in an attempt to tamper the tickle. “I’m good.”
The waiter arrived with our drinks.
Gemma held my shake and slipped the straw into my mouth. “It’ll help your throat,” she coaxed.
Ava eyed us with a curious squint.
Cormac tapped the menu to get the waiter’s attention away from me, the spaz. “We’ll start with spinach and artichoke dip along with mozzarella sticks. Those are your faves, right Gemma?”
Gemma nodded.
“Very good, sir.” The waiter spun around.
“Tegan, your little fit reminded me of the time when Gemma’s Uncle Dermot decided to piss on a fire ant hill,” Cormac said.
“How are you connecting the two, dear?” Ava asked with a knowing smile.
“What do you mean?” He seemed generally befuddled.
I’d learned long ago that Cormac’s transitions into one of his tall tales never made sense. I suspected Ava knew that better than most, but she enjoyed goading him.
“Are you going to let me tell the story?” he asked.
“By all means. Don’t let logic get in the way of a story.” Ava motioned for him to continue.
Cormac playfully huffed and Ava winked at me. I wished my parents enjoyed each other’s company half as much as Gemma’s parental units.
“Now where was I?” He rubbed his double chins for effect and then snapped his fingers. “That’s right Dermot and the ants.” He wiggled his butt on the seat. “Let’s
just say Dermot wasn’t entirely sober when he came up with his scheme. So last Fourth of July, it was hotter than hot, which meant beer flowed like water. We were nowhere near a restroom and Dermot had to go. Real bad. That was when he spotted the anthill.”
“Dad!” Gemma tried to interject.
“Not you too, Gemma. Hold on a second. The women in my family don’t ever let me talk,” Cormac said to me with as much sincerity as he could muster. “Oooh boy, those ants were hopping mad! And fast.” He rubbed his palms together. “I can still remember him standing there with his jeans around his ankles—”
Gemma and her mom both sighed and shook their heads.
When Ava interrupted again, Gemma caught my eye and gave me the look—the one that said “I’m going to do it so prepare for the lesbian declaration.” Fear clawed its way into my mind and body. Even though I’d been steeling myself all day, the impending bombshell seized my throat, almost rendering me incapable of breathing. Under the table, I focused on tightly twisting a napkin around my finger. This was Gemma’s moment after all.
Did she still plan on telling them I was her girlfriend?
I tried to swallow the lump in my throat but failed.
Gemma didn’t notice my panicked wheeze. And I knew she wasn’t stalling for time to gird her nerves. When Gemma set her mind to do something, she did it, by golly. I admired that, even though I was insanely jealous at times by her grit and how everything always seemed to work out. Like the time she had spaced on studying for a calculus test, but aced it anyway.
Shit, Tegan. Was I hoping today would be a complete and total disaster? I chewed on my bottom lip. I was the worst girlfriend in the world, and it was only day three of our relationship.
Gemma cleared her throat.
Cormac ignored her completely, still playfully arguing with Ava. “Woman! Are you going to let me finish my story?”
“Oh, I know once you get going, nothing will stop you.” Ava patted his cheek.
“Darn right.” They shared a glance that made me squirm. Parents and sexual attraction—I never wanted to make the connection. Cormac turned back to us and continued as if he’d never been interrupted. I wondered how many times he’d told this story. “But the poor sucker couldn’t get his boots off because it was so dang hot that summer and he had decided not to wear socks. The sweat superglued the boots right onto his feet. Dermot hopped around on one foot and then the other, desperately trying to yank off his boots while the entire time those suckers swarmed up and over like demons heading toward his—”